Professional thieves can steal almost any car, at almost any time, from almost anywhere if they want it badly enough. With that said the majority of vehicle thefts reported are committed by thieves who target vehicles that offer the least amount of resistance when being stolen.  To combat this type of vehicle theft, the National Insurance Crime Bureau (NICB) recommends layering your vehicle's protection, thereby making it more difficult to steal.    

Below are multiple Layers of Protection to make your vehicle a tough target:   

Layer #1 - Common Sense - #ParkSmartAZ 

An unlocked vehicle with a key in the ignition is an open invitation to any thief, regardless of which anti-theft device you use. The common sense approach to protection is the simplest and most cost-effective way to thwart would-be thieves.

  • Always lock your car

  • Take your keys and fobs

  • If you have a garage, use it 

  • Park in well-lit areas - car thefts increase at night

  • Park in attended lots - car thieves do not like witnesses

  • NEVER leave your vehicle running and unattended 

  • Completely close your car windows - Even the smallest of openings can compromise its security

  • Do not leave valuables in plain view- i.e. cell phones, purse, wallet, medication, money

  • Remove all spare sets of keys from the car - even if it is does not belong to the vehicle it is in

Layer #2 - Warning Device 

The second layer of protection is a visible and/or audible device which alerts thieves that your vehicle is protected. Popular second layer devices include:

Layer #3 - Immobilizing Device

The third layer of protection is a device which prevents thieves from bypassing your ignition and hot-wiring the vehicle. Some electronic devices have computer chips in ignition keys. Other devices inhibit the flow of electricity or fuel to the engine until a hidden switch or button is activated.  

Popular third layer devices include:

  • Ignition kill switches

  • Utilize starter, ignition and fuel disablers

Layer #4 - Tracking System 

The final layer of protection is a tracking system which emits a signal to police, monitoring company/service, or to one of your personal devices. There are multiple systems offered by vehicle manufacturers and aftermarket suppliers.  Tracking devices are very effective in helping law enforcement authorities recover stolen vehicles.  

**Important** Do not attempt to follow your own vehicle.  Your personal safety should be your priority and will be the priority of any responding officer should you locate your vehicle before they do. Remember, vehicle thieves are criminals and criminals can be dangerous.  


The "Layered Approach"